Say Cheese!

First, thank you for all the great comments on our first ever blog post! This is an exciting new endeavor for us, and we need your feedback to make it a successful, two-way conversation.
Our photo contest is off and running. We wanted to clarify that the winning photo will get an iPad 2. Also, we’re working on assembling a panel of judges that will include some local celebrities and some professionals in the photo industry. Please send us your best shot! Here are a couple of our favorite photos taken by PSTA staff (no, we’re not eligible to win!) to help inspire you…

This bird kept trying to peck through the glass of the staff lunchroom window shortly after we moved into our new Scherer Drive facility. Circa December 2005.

Suncoast Beach Trolley in front of the Hurricane Restaurant. Circa 2001.

A happy group of trolley passengers cheerfully agrees to allow us to photograph them. Circa March 2009.

PSTA Volunteer Jed plays Santa on Christmas Eve. The Bus Operator is Donnell Wilson. Circa December 2007.

Thank you, and good luck!
Cyndi Raskin-Schmitt
PSTA Marketing Dept.


Filed under Miscellaneous

2 responses to “Say Cheese!

  1. brian harvey

    how do you enter?

  2. Send your photo to or mail them to our office. Please see our first post for contest rules and guidelines!


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